Sunday, February 28, 2010

Filed Under: Day 2>SOS

Report 2 from the maw of the snowurricane.

We run low on food....low on water...we can communicate now only with grunts and groans through parched lips and swollen tongues. When will help come? Before the battery of our iPhone died, we managed to spend a last plea for help to the Fusconnors.

When will they come? Dios mio! When will they come?

At least we still have our parking spot...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Filed Under: Natural Disasters>Snowurricane of 2010

Greetings from the bowels of the great snowurricane of 2010 (snowurricane is a registered trademark of Freshie O'Fusco and cannot be used with out her expressed consent). One thing that can be said for snowurricanes is that they give you plenty of time for comtemplative pursuits like blogging.

Snowurricanes wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for all the darned snow. It piles up everywhere. On the sidewalks, on the lawns, in the trees and especially on the streets. Snowurricanes turn that which we normally take for granted: parking spaces, into solid gold.

Shirley and I have been hunkered down with our stockpile of food and water, not daring to move. Our rifles are locked and loaded, we peer suspiciously over the window sills from time to time, not because of the dangerous weather conditions but because we are in mortal fear of losing our parking space.

It looks like we might be trapped in the house until the spring. Please send help!