Those of you who followed me religiously during 2009 are aware of my obsession with seizing the top spot of the Google rankings such that, if anyone googles 'David Merle', my information will come up first. Nyeh! Ha! Ha! Ha! You can image my surprise and dismay to wake up on New Year's Day and find that I was number 2 on Google. And who, you may well wonder, is number 1 in the Google search rankings? My nemesis David Merle, that's who!
Please realize that I didn't always want to usurp the David Merle's of the world. First I tried to unite them. At one point it was my goal to Facebook friend all the David Merles of the world so that we would form one large benevolent society, perhaps called the David Merle Society. I quickly found out what a huge mistake this was. My Facebook News Feeds started to become dominated by the doings and sayings of David Merle, none of which were me!
The other problem with the David Merle Society is that all the other David Merles in the world are French and I don't speak French or particularly like the French. The French David Merles really do think that their sh#@t don't stink (I suspect; since I can't read any of there postings).
So now, I want to capture the top spot on Google search. It is only right, if America is going to retain its top spot in the world, then I must show America the way by besting the French David Merles.
If you love America I encourage you to google David Merle as often as you can in the new year. But be careful! Make sure you don't click on my arch-enemy David Merle.
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