Thursday, January 7, 2010

Filed Under: Sleep Deprivation>Caffeine

I have a very bad relationship with sleep. I fall asleep like someone knocked me on the noggin with a coconut, but then around 3:30 AM, I'm up and its hard for me to get back to sleep. (Uh-oh I hear my wife rustling around in bed, as soon as she discovers me gone she is gonna yell). I've practiced sleeping all my life and still I suck at it. Maybe one of those delicious Starbucks Frappuccinos in the refrigerator will help. That reminds me of the app I am supposed to be building. In order to make my first million, I plan on building an app for the iPhone that worked something like this: it would look, on the phone, like the top of a Starbucks Frappuccino cap. With your finger you could rotate it or double click it. When the user rotated the cap, it would scroll through a list of nearby locations beneath the cap. After making a full rotation it would make that satisfying 'snap' that the cap makes when it releases the vacuum inside the bottle. If the user double clicked on the cap, it would take the user to the website of the currently selected Starbuck's store. And every time the user pushed on the cap, it would make that satisfying sound that the cap makes every time you push in the a clicker.

Its a brilliant plan and would make me a lot of buck-age but it is not as easy as it seems. My first road block is that Apple wants me to pay $100 for the privilege of getting to develop apps for the iPhone. I don't think so. So I switched to the Android, the software for cell phones by Google, which is free to develop for and they give you all the tools for free. Its really cool to use. When you run the 'emulator' it pops up a virtual cell phone on your computer screen. So far all I can do is send text messages to my virtual cell phone, but at least its a start!

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