Everyone's got a blog now, why shouldn't I? Besides, I really think this will act like a mental draino...clear out the cobwebs, you know. It can't be anything but good to force yourself to think, no matter how much it hurts and put something down on virtual paper. And also, it keeps me on the cutting edge of the technological revolution despite the fact that I don't have a 42 inch big screen TV like all of my friends. This blog proves that I am not a throw-back to a simpler time...I am not a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal. Ha! Ha!
Plus, this might be a cool place to take some pot-shots at the current administration while there is still time.
Oh yeah, I am looking forward to this...so with that in mind, a drum-roll please as I reach down to push the publish but....
I wish I could know what his wife said about his first blog!
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