Sunday, December 21, 2008

File Under: Economic Crisis>Where's My Bonus?

Well the economic crisis is on my mind a lot lately. Truth to tell, it hasn't really effected me or my peeps yet. All my friends still drive their SUVs, no one I know has lost their job or invested with Madoff. Shirley and I still go to movies and eat out once a week. Things are pretty much normal. What gets me really worried is that I kinda bought into the whole Republican illusion that the guys who were getting 100 million dollar bonuses deserved them because they did things and knew things that no one else in the world could or did. As it turns out, they were getting these obscene bonuses simply because they were greedier than anyone else. About 5 years ago I read an article that said that the typical CEO of an American company made 5 times as much as a typical Japanese CEO. Even back then I wondered; 'Are American CEOs really 5 times better than Japanese CEOs.' Of course, it only got worse in the last 5 years. Corporate executives were sucking money out of there companies as fast as they could.